Saturday, January 19, 2008

iPod Lurve

As you may have read in a previous post, I'm on a quest to get back into music and was searching for a way to turn my longings into a reality. Well Gentle Readers, I think I've found my answer in a small yet powerful device we all know and love called the iPod.

My DH (Dear Hubby) and I recently purchased 80 GB iPods and I've been enjoying loading it up with all sorts of delectable musical goodness, songs both old and new. Actually, a lot of the new stuff comes from my hubby who let me 'borrow' his iTunes library to get started. I've got everything in there from Robert Johnson to The Stabilisers to The Chili Peppas to Jethro Tull to Loggins and Messina to... well, the list goes on and on. I will say that I really enjoy hitting that shuffle function, wondering the whole time what will pop up next. The element of surprise really adds to my musical experience, it somehow makes things seem a little fresher, newer.

So right now I'm sitting here loading some of my fave cds into iTunes. I don't know if you know anything about my musical taste, it will take me freaking forever to load my entire catalog in this thing. We have an extra hard drive, I think we're going to have to break it out soon. ;-) Along with loading newer discs, I'm enjoying revisiting some of my old favorites. The Dukes of Stratosphear are loading as I type, Chips from the Chocolate Fireball is one of my favorite discs of all time. But my favorite musician I've loaded thus far today is the one and only Shawn Phillips. No one can croon like Shawn, he has one of the most interesting voices and musical styles I've ever had the pleasure of hearing. A talented musician, poet and human being, Shawn is a helluva nice guy to boot. I took this photo of him last time he was in Cleveland. He played at The Winchester to a completely mesmerized group of die hard fans. What a talent, what a doll...

So now I'll have to investigate new bands and artists, at least those who are new to me. I'll take any suggestions.... my lovely little black device has a ton of room for new musical experiences.

Now loading: If An Angel Came to See You, Would You Make Her Feel at Home? Black Oak Arkansas


Unknown said...

The joy of owning an ipod. This is my second one--my first being a 4 GB Mini which served me well. I am looking forward to adding more new and selected old music to both of our ipods! I can't wait for the next long road trip when we fight over whose ipod gets to play next...

hamad said...

thanks for the flickr add. i didn't know who else was on there, so i never looked or did the contact thing, so you're my first.

Wa said...

Good gravy! That was the best review of a Richarcd Thompson show I ever read!
