Thursday, September 27, 2007

From one of my favorite historians (who was also Librarian of Congress, btw...):

"Technology is so much fun but we can drown in our technology. The fog of information can drive out knowledge."
Daniel J. Boorstin


Unknown said...

Technology is just a tool like any other. Use it correctly and good things happen. It is fun to be on the cutting edge though, trying new things out before the crowd ruins it for the rest of us...

Annette said...

That's true! I understand Boorstin's point though. For instance, since the advent of the internet we rely more on snipets of information we find via the net rather than doing heavy research to educate ourselves. I see that all the time in the library, people are there for a quick fix, quick information because they don't want to waste their time wading through anything... rush, rush, rush.